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Braunston CE School

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The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, reason mathematically and be able to solve problems by applying their mathematics.

At Braunston Primary, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme, as we believe the programme, supported by other materials and interventions, helps our children to become effective mathematicians and raises whole school standards in mathematics. Our maths curriculum starts in Reception and progressively builds on learning through to Year 6. See our calculation policy to see how each area of maths builds and progresses.

We want all children to have the knowledge, skills and understanding to work with, and manipulate numbers, and learn within the wider maths curriculum, with confidence. Our school calculation policy has been created to meet these expectations, focussing on skills and mastery of the four calculations. Here at Braunston Primary School, we follow the approach of children learning the concept through manipulation of concrete resources, before moving on to pictorial representations. Then, finally, children will master the abstract method and be able to apply to complex and richer problems showing their ‘mastery’ of maths. 




Mathematics lessons are daily and are 50 – 75 minutes long, consisting of:

  • a daily maths meeting covering KIRFs, embedding pre-taught skills and reviewing misconceptions.  
  • structured activities based around the children understanding a specific key concept

Differentiation, at all levels, is structured through the knowledge taught and/or the types of challenges; procedural methods to word problems, then moving to mastery.

There is a clear progression of skills and knowledge taught. Calculation expectations and progression in each year group, are based on age related expectations. From these age-related expectations our children have learning pitched appropriately, building their knowledge from previous learning. Through sequential steps all children are able to embed their understanding of mathematical concepts from the working memory to the long-term memory. Therefore, our children love maths because they are successful learners. 


Maths Curriculum Files


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