Church and Community
Collective Worship
Collective worship is a very important part of our curriculum at Braunston School. It is here, as a school community, we come to develop our spiritual, moral, social and cultural values. It's also where we celebrate children showing our Christian values, earning themselves values certificates and celebrating children who have been fulfilling the school vision of ‘Learning for Life in all its Fullness.' (John 10:10) Many adults from different faiths and life experiences lead Worship, as well as Reverend Kathryn from All Saint’s Church, who leads Worship every Wednesday. Children also lead our worship! See the photos below for a taste of Collective Worship at Braunston.
Our Collective Worship Policy can be found on our policies page.
Collective Worship
All Saints' Church
We are so lucky to have the beautiful All Saints' Church in Braunston. Led by Reverend Kathryn (who also comes into our school to lead our weekly collective worship) we celebrate many Christian festivals together; including Harvest, Christmas and Easter services. It is a wonderful opportunity for the whole school and church community to get together for a time of joy or reflection. Our close relationship with our local church and Reverend is one that we greatly value and helps all the children at Braunston School to 'Learn for Life in all it's Fullness.' (John 10:10)
All Saints Church
As a Church of England school, our spirituality is expressed through our understanding of the Christian gospel, rooted in the person of Jesus Christ. We fully respect that our pupils come from Christian families, from families of other faiths and from families of no faith, and that pupils will hold beliefs and values of their own. Through our spirituality policy, our aim is to enable all our pupils to reflect deeply on what it means to be human and to ascribe meaning and value to human existence. We also have a ‘green post it’ system where children are encouraged to reflect deeply on their learning and consider what the learning means for themselves, those around them and the world in general. Please see the policy on the tab on the right for more detail and specific actions.
Please also see our individual class page long term plans to show when and how we explicitly develop children's spirituality within our curriculum.
Spirituality Policy
Braunston Spirituality Policy
download_for_offlineBraunston Spirituality Policy
What Courageous Advocacy means at Braunston Primary School
A courageous advocate is someone who champions a cause which is special and meaningful to them.
At Braunston Church of England Primary School we have a strong emphasis on encouraging our pupils to become courageous advocates, not just locally, but nationally and globally.See the pictures below of some examples of children at Braunston being 'courageous advocates', and please see our Curriculum Long Term plans, where specific activities to encourage courageous advocacy are developed as part of our taught curriculum.
Courageous Advocacy
Braunston School is a Church of England school and our core Christian values of reconciliation, respect and reverence, resilience, reflection and responsibility provide the framework for all of our aims and actions. Recognising our historic C of E foundation, Braunston School preserves and develops its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England.
Here, at Braunston School, the principal aim of teaching religious education (R.E.) is to enable pupils to hold balanced and informed conversations about religion and belief. Through our teaching, we help children to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain. We teach our pupils to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and behaviour and develop their ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues; enhancing each child’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Please see RE curriculum for further information.
Helping our Community
As our values teach us, at Braunston we strive for our vision to help children in our school learn for life in all its fullness and look for ways to help our community live for life in all its fullness.Some of the ways we meet this vision is by:
- Inter-generational work with senior members of Braunston’s community. We invite the ‘Friendly Club’ to our school productions and we arrange social events where the children can share work and conversations with our villages’ senior members.
- Courageous advocacy as demonstrated by our Harvest appeals for a local food bank, child led money raising projects to help support global, national and local emergencies, the poppy appeal and toilet and tap twinning. Last year, our children sent letters to our Trust raising concerns about oil heating and the impact on the environment and at present the children are focusing on how partially sighted children learn to read and have sent letters to RWI asking for large print books to be made available for partially sighted children in schools.
- Parent engagement events such as coffee mornings, reading fairs, Reception meet and greet sessions and year group information sessions.
- Values passport – where children are encouraged to take our Braunston School’s values home and into the community!
- Dedicated Parent Support Advisor who helps parents with a range of issues such as poverty, mental health, attendance, and a friendly ear to listen!