Braunston School’s Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) curriculum strives to inspire a curiosity and love of languages as part of children’s life long journey of learning. We aim to provide our pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding of MFL to enable our children to celebrate similarities and welcome differences in our world. By having an understanding of different languages, countries and cultures, children will have a deepened ability to show respect to others and understand their valuable role in our global society.
Our link primary school of Sainte-Marie is in Arthon-en-Retz in the Loire Atlantique region of France. The school has a similar number of children to us here at Braunston, however, children start in PS aged 3 and leave at the end of CM2 at 10 years old.
The aim of this exciting school link is for children in both schools to gain a better understanding of daily life, the culture and traditions of each country and our similarities and differences, as well as gaining opportunities to practise their language skills with other children their own age. We have lots of fun ideas to develop our links, including sending cards, letters, postcards, videos, songs and more!
Sainte-Marie Primary School website Click Here
French Curriculum Support Files
French Long Term Plan
download_for_offlineFrench Long Term Plan
- French School Link download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench School Link
- MFL Intent Statement download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMFL Intent Statement
- French School Link download_for_offline

Peterborough Diocese Education Trust
PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.
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