Governance in PDET
The Board of Directors is the overall governance body and is accountable for the Trust.
For further details of our Trust's governance structure see: PDET's Governance Structure
For the Trust’s memorandum and articles of association, annual accounts, annual report and funding agreement see: Financial Information
Our school's Supplemental Funding Agreement can be found here:
Braunston Supplemental Funding Agreement
Role of the Academy Governance Committee
Local governing bodies, who are called Academy Governance Committees (AGCs) in our Trust, are committees to which the Directors have chosen to delegate some specific responsibilities. AGCs engage with their local community and carry out the following very valuable role.
There are 2 key elements to the role of AGCs:
Vision and Values:
- Help the academy set and review their local, contextual vision and values, aligned with the Trust’s vision.
- Monitor and support the academy to ensure the vision is being ‘lived out’ in every aspect of academy life.
- Preserve and further develop relationships with the community, and in particular with the church, in line with the academy’s and Trust’s vision and values.
Delegated functions:
- Carry out functions which have been specifically delegated to them as formal committees of the Board.
For the Trust’s Board Remit and Scheme of Delegation, see: Scheme of Delegation
The Chair of our AGC is Mrs Jane Morgan who can be contacted via:
School Governors (ID 1033)
Jane MorganChair of Governors
Jane Morgan
My Key Areas of Responsibility
Community Governor - Plus specific area of Disadvantaged and SEND, Admissions and Appeals, Curriculum Monitoring and Safeguarding.
I have lived in Braunston for many years and my children attended Braunston school.
I have now retired from teaching in a city Primary School and have enjoyed the opportunity to be a volunteer at Braunston School, listening to children read. Having a daughter with a disability, I have particular interest in supporting children with SEND to remain in their local mainstream school whenever this is appropriate.
I enjoy spending my time
Sharon PriceCommunity Governor
Sharon Price
I live in Rugby and visit Braunston School weekly with my Pets as Therapy dog - Hamish.
I was previously a teacher and have always volunteered in education during the time my two boys were at school.
I love socialising with friends and family. I also play in a local band and enjoy regular exercise classes. Alongside this I also volunteer for the Guide Dogs, which is where Hamish started his journey.
Jean WaghornChurch Governor
Jean Waghorn
My Key Areas of Responsibility
Church Governor - Plus specific area of Religious Education, Collective Worship & SIAMS, Admissions and Appeals and Curriculum Monitoring
I have lived in Braunston for many years. My children and grandchildren have attended this school. I am part of the collective worship team and lead the school's worship on Wednesdays, I also listen to the children of year 6 read which I thoroughly enjoy.
I enjoy patchwork and knitting and sing in Daventry Choral Society choir.
Every Sunday I attend the church services at Berrywood Hospital as a volunteer to help the patients get a satisfying experience in God's presence.
Rebecca MorganChurch Governor
Rebecca Morgan
My Key Areas of Responsibility
Parent Governor - Plus specific areas of Equalities and GDPR
Both my children attend or have attended Braunston School: they have flourished here. As a church governor, I hope to be able to have a small part in ensuring that all pupils flourish at Braunston School too.
I have been a teacher for the past twenty years, working at a secondary school in Rugby mainly teaching English. I am currently working in schools as the director of the Coventry and Central Warwickshire Teaching School Hub, which provides training for teachers across the region. I hope that my experience of the education system will also be beneficial to my role of governor at the school.
Unsurprisingly, as an English teache
Deborah GardnerParent Governor
Deborah Gardner
My Key Areas of Responsibility
Parent Governor - Plus specific area of Training, Admissions and Appeals & Curriculum Monitoring
I have lived in Braunston for 7 years and really enjoy the community spirit in and around the village. I work in a further education college as a business teacher and assist with an outreach project for the University of Northampton which aims to encourage students into higher education. My two daughters are in Years 2 & 3 at Braunston Primary School and are thoroughly enjoying their time here. I try to help as much as I can with various events and fund-raising ideas and am looking forward to being of further benefit to the school in the parent governor role.
Sarah ManningParent Governor
Sarah Manning
Although I no longer live in Braunston, I still have strong family links to the village and as a family, we still enjoy taking part in local village events. My son is getting ready to move into Key Stage 2 and loves coming to school every day. He not only enjoys his learning but also the extra-curricular activities that the school offers. I currently work in Children and Family Support Services within Northamptonshire Children’s Trust and have previously been a primary school teacher and a qualified SENCO. I am looking forward to bringing these skills and knowledge to my role as a parent governor.
Lianna WillisHeadteacher (Ex-Officio)
Lianna Willis
Nikki SawyerStaff (Elected)
Nikki Sawyer
Name | Role | Date of appointment | Date stepped down (where applicable) |
Jane Morgan | Community (Chair) | 04/08/2021 | |
Sharon Price | Community | 05/03/2024 | |
Jean Waghorn | Church | 09/05/2023 | |
Rebecca Morgan | Church | 03/10/2023 | |
Sarah Manning | Parent (Elected) | 12/05/2024 | |
Deborah Gardner | Parent (Elected) | 03/07/2021 | |
Lianna Willis | Ex-Officio | 01/09/2019 | |
Nikki Sawyer | Staff (Elected) | 01/09/2019 | |
Dominic Taffs | Parent (Elected) | 06/02/2020 | 28/02/2024 |
Nick Hunter | Community | 10/11/2023 | 28/02/2024 |
AGC Records
Braunston Primary School AGC Attendance 23-24
download_for_offlineBraunston Primary School AGC Attendance 23-24
- Braunston Primary School AGC Attendance and Pecuniary Interests 24-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineBraunston Primary School AGC Attendance and Pecuniary Interests 24-25
Interested in joining our AGC?
If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact the school for further information. An application form is available on our Trust's website to apply to become either a Community or Church Governor.
- Braunston Primary School AGC Attendance and Pecuniary Interests 24-25 download_for_offline
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