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Year 5

Welcome to Rowling Class

There is so much to look forward to in Year 5, from journeying into the World of Harry Potter to exploring the Amazon Rainforest.  During their penultimate year at Braunston Primary, children will build upon and extend the skills they have acquired; developing their ability to work successfully both independently and as part of a team.


Mrs Fisher is Rowling Class teacher supported by Mrs Odell.  If you have any queries please feel free to contact us: we believe good communication is vital in ensuring the best possible outcomes for your child. 


We are confident that the curriculum in Year 5 will both motivate and intrigue your child.  A brief overview of our topics can be found in the Long Term Plan document and more details are given half- termly in the form of ‘Topic Webs’.   


We want the children in Year 5 to be confident, skilled readers, who have a life-long love of reading. Your child may have been reading independently for some time now but it remains vital that you continue to share and discuss books with them on a regular basis if possible.

Enjoy sharing different texts with your child: they are never too old to be read to and we cannot stress enough how beneficial this is for their reading development. In school, we aim to listen to your child read on a daily/weekly/fortnightly basis depending on their needs. Reading records form a great means of communication about your child’s reading development between school and home and we request that they are updated on a daily basis. We will be reading a text each half term to develop a love of reading. 


A set of spelling words, linked to those taught in school, on a weekly basis. Each week there will be a test of ten words: 5 of the new pattern; 2 statutory words and 3 of previously taught patterns. Our aim is for children to become confident spellers who apply their knowledge to all areas of the curriculum.


Mathematics challenges, linked to learning in class, are sent home in homework books on a weekly basis. We encourage regular practice of time tables and related facts to improve children’s speed and accuracy in mental calculations through play on TimesTable Rockstars.  

Trips, Visitors and Residential

During the year, Class Rowling look forward to visiting the deserted Medieval village of Wolfhampcote. One of the many highlights of the year is our residential visit to the Frontier Centre, where children enjoy participating in many outdoor adventure activities. 


 Daily Organisation

The children need to bring a named water bottle into school every day; this should be filled with water only. Even during the colder months, it is important that the children keep hydrated throughout the day. A healthy snack can be brought into school to be eaten at break time. They should wear their PE kit to school on PE days: Wednesday and Thursday.

We anticipate that Year 5 will be a fascinating and enjoyable year for your child and that it will perfectly prepare them for their final year at Braunston Primary. 

‘It is our choices…that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.’ (J.K. Rowling – Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets)

Year 5 Documents


 Year 5 Weblinks



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