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Braunston CE School

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Our rich, skilled English curriculum school experience at Braunston C.E. Primary School is entirely embedded in the National Curriculum and combines the threads of reading, writing, speaking and listening to empower our children to become confident, imaginative and skilled readers, writers and communicators.


At Braunston C.E. School we regard reading as the key to the curriculum and an entitlement for all children to unlock the doors to their futures and realise their full potential; we take great enjoyment in absorbing ourselves in fantastic stories, amazing facts and worlds that only books can lead us to. This is why we prioritise phonics teaching from the moment your child joins. Children are immersed in a wide range of genres and texts through their whole class texts, individual reading books, topic texts, library books, English lessons and our weekly first chapter club. The book map to your left shows the texts that each class uses. We teach the ‘super power’ of reading as ‘word reading’ (phonics) and ‘text understanding’ (comprehension).


Phonics is a method of teaching children to read using the correlation between the sounds of the English language and the symbols of the alphabet. It is a fast, effective way to get children reading as quickly as possible and you can find out more about our phonics programme 'Read, Write, Inc'  and the progression of phonics teaching in the documents to your left. Children in Reception and KS1 have daily phonics lessons and phonics teaching is continued into KS2 as it helps support reading and spelling as your child progresses through the school. 


We teach comprehension skills using our own whole class teaching approach of ‘reading detectives’. This allows your child to develop their reading comprehension skills: making connections, wonderings, visualisation, fact retrieval, deduction and inference, word meaning and its effect, vocabulary exploration, prediction, sequencing, summarising and comparing.


At Braunston C.E. School we regard writing as a vital tool for all children to be equipped with in order to access and enjoy our curriculum and as an entitlement for all children to master as they progress through their learning journey within and beyond our school. Our curriculum develops and nurtures children’s writing skills to give them the tools to transport their ideas from their incredible imaginations on to paper and most importantly, develop a love of and passion for writing. The power this gives children through life is invaluable. The curriculum is split in to the following areas, which is built upon within and beyond each year group: early writing/transcription, genre exploration, handwriting, spelling, grammar and punctuation, text cohesion, sentence structure, vocabulary development and text composition.


English Curriculum Support Files


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