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Braunston CE School

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At Braunston C.E. School, we are passionate about nurturing your child’s excitement and curiosity about the world, whilst developing their knowledge and understanding of it. Our aim is for them, through a scientific enquiry driven approach, to acquire the knowledge, skills, concept understanding and positive attitudes needed to help them think and express themselves scientifically, whilst being fully aware of the significant impact science can have today and in the future.

As to the National Curriculum, we help our children develop a clear and accurate understanding of key areas of scientific knowledge and concepts so that they are fully prepared to embrace the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics at secondary school. A hyperlink to the Science Long Term Plan can be found to your left hand side, showing how the key topics are organised and how scientific enquiry is intrinsically bound to every scientific strand so that children have a robust ability to work scientifically using a variety of approaches. The Long Term Overview for Science, History and Geography also shows broader links, which makes our curriculum bespoke to Braunston Primary and enables our children to make more comprehensive and meaningful connections. 

Our school’s curriculum is split into two distinct knowledge types: procedural and declarative. Procedural knowledge is about children ‘working scientifically’ so they are able to use a range of skills to answer relevant and varied scientific questions. It involves effective planning; using equipment and making observations; practical testing; classifying and recording evidence; presenting and explaining evidence; drawing conclusions and making predictions and evaluations. Declarative knowledge in contrast is about the facts of key scientific areas such as plants, animals and materials. We believe that by ‘working scientifically’ children are able to systematically build upon their declarative knowledge of the world. 


Science Curriculum Files


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