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Welcome to Jamila Class


In Year 3 we begin our journey into KS2, we build on all the work that the children have completed in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. 

Mrs Phipps is the class teacher and Year 3 are supported by Mrs Smith, Mrs Brand and Mrs Allinson. Please feel free to contact any of us with queries; we enjoy working in partnership with parents and carers and our amazing pupils for the best outcomes for your children. 

In Jamila Class we are lucky to teach a variety of interesting topics, more detail about these can be found in the long term map document which provides a brief overview of the year. For more detail each term, our topic webs show the learning in specific subjects. Our favourite topics are those about The Stone Age to Iron Age and the Ancient Egyptians.

Reading continues to play an important part of the Year 3 curriculum and we work hard to instill a love of reading into all the children through individual reading and whole class reading activities. Although your child will be starting to read more independently, it is still really valuable for them to read daily to an adult at home, regardless of their ability. This valuable time can be an opportunity to tackle new words, discuss new word meanings, and enjoy discussing new texts together. We love hearing your children read in school which takes place daily/weekly/fortnightly depending on the needs of your child. We write comments in their reading record, and enjoy seeing your comments too.

Within school time, we will be focusing on a range of different rules and patterns. Our spelling quiz will take place on Wednesdays on a mixture of common exception words, the week's spelling pattern and patterns from previous weeks. Spelling will be sent home every Thursday to practise, along with the homework. We are striving for children to become confident spellers, who apply their knowledge in to all areas of writing.

Mathematics Homework
Times table work continues from where the children were in Year 2.This year, your child will have a login for Timetables Rock Stars. We will be using this programme in school to promote enjoyment around learning timestables. We encourage children to use this at home too, to develop and extend their knowldge further.  Maths homework is sent out every Thursday based around previous teaching or timestables; this homework gives you and your child an opportunity to practise and share the strategies that they are learning within school.

Routine of the Day

Here are a few items that your child should have in school every day:

  • Book bag.
  • Water bottles - as we are a ‘Healthy School,’ we only allow water in the water bottles.
  • Coat- with the British weather being highly unpredictable, a coat needs to be in school everyday.
  • School reading book
  • A healthy snack for break time.
  • PE kit - this should be worn to school on our PE days.

Everyone in Year 3 looks forward to providing your child with the best opportunities and seeing them continue their journey through Key Stage 2.


Year 3 Curriculum Overviews

Term Dates


Download school calendar information to stick on your fridge so you'll always know about our school term dates.

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We are proud to be a member of
Peterborough Diocese Education Trust, supporting our School.



Braunston CE Primary School, Barby Road, Braunston, Northamptonshire, NN11 7HF, Tel: 01788 890494



Doors open at 08:45 Monday to Friday, end of School is at 3:15 each day but check News & Dates for changes!

Term Dates


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